Cor Clinic

Cor Clinic

Cookie & Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to determine the terms and conditions for the use of personal data shared by users/members/visitors (“Data Subject”) of the website operated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. PELİN ÖZTÜRK (“Company”) at and its mobile application (together referred to as the “Platform”) during the operation of the Platform.

The Data Subject declares that they have been informed about the processing of their personal
data through this Privacy Policy and consent to the use of their personal data as specified herein.

Which Data is Processed?

In this section, the data processed by the Company and considered as personal data under the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 are listed. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the term “personal data” within the scope of this Privacy Policy will cover the information listed below:

  • Customer Information
  • Device Information
  • Behaviors
  • Demographic Information
  • Marketing Information
  • Behavioral Advertising

Pursuant to Articles 3 and 7 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data, data that is anonymized in an irreversibly anonymized manner will not be considered as personal data in accordance with the provisions of the said law, and processing activities related to these data will be carried out independently of the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

For What Purposes are the Data Used?

The Company may process personal data to customize the products and services offered by the Company according to the preferences, usage habits, and needs of the relevant individuals; to be used within the scope of direct and indirect marketing activities, and for these purposes, it may process and share personal data with the representatives of the Company, solution partners, and third parties from which the Company receives services.

The Company may process and share personal data without the explicit consent of the Data
Subject in cases where there are exceptions in the relevant legislation and/or the Law on the
Protection of Personal Data No. 5 and 8. Some of these situations are listed below:

  • Clearly stipulated in the laws,
  • Mandatory for the protection of life or bodily integrity of the person who is unable to disclose their consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid,
  • Necessary for the establishment or performance of a contract directly related to the Data Subject between the Company and the Data Subject,
  • Mandatory for the fulfillment of the legal obligations of the Company,
  • Made public by the Data Subject,
  • Mandatory for the establishment, use, or protection of a right,
  • Mandatory for the legitimate interests of the Company, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Data Subject, within the scope of not harming the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Data Subject.

Who Can Access the Data?

The Company may transfer personal data to third parties limited to the purpose of providing the services in cases where the Data Subject benefits from the services of the Company. The
Company may also transfer data to business partners and suppliers of the Company, as well as legally authorized institutions and organizations within the scope of this Privacy Policy and for the purposes specified herein.
The Company may share data with third parties such as external service providers, hosting service providers, law firms, research companies, call centers, including those sending SMS, to improve the experience of the Data Subject (including improvement and personalization), ensure the security of the Data Subject, detect fraudulent or unauthorized uses, investigate operational assessments, rectify errors in Platform services, and achieve any of the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy.

The Data Subject accepts that third parties mentioned above may store the personal data of the Data Subject on their servers anywhere in the world, within the scope of the limited purposes mentioned above.

Access Rights to Data and Requests for Correction

Data subjects have the following rights under Article 11 of the Law:

  • Learning whether personal data is processed,
  • Requesting information about processed personal data,
  • Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used
    appropriately for their purpose,
  • Knowing the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,
  • Requesting correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the
    conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data,
  • Requesting the notification of the transactions made pursuant to Articles 5 and 6 to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
  • To object to the occurrence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, requesting the compensation of the damage.
    These rights will be evaluated and concluded as soon as possible, and in any case within 30 (thirty) days, by using the methods specified in the DOÇ.DR.PELİN ÖZTÜRK Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy available at, in accordance with Article 11 of the Law. While it is the main principle not to charge any fees for requests, the Company reserves the right to request fees based on the fee schedule determined by the Personal Data
    Protection Board. The Data Subject acknowledges that if they request that any of their personal data not be used by the Company, they may not fully benefit from the operation of the Platform and accepts any responsibility that may arise in this regard.

Storage Period of Personal Data

The Company will keep the personal data provided by the data subject for the duration required by the processing purposes mentioned above.

In addition, in the event of any dispute that may arise between the Company and the Data
Subject, the Company may keep personal data for a limited period of time to perform necessary defenses within the scope of a dispute and during the statutory limitation periods determined by the relevant legislation.
Measures and Commitments Regarding Data Security The Company undertakes to take necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure an adequate level of security to prevent personal data from being processed unlawfully, prevent unauthorized access to personal data, and ensure the preservation of personal data in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and the conditions expressed in this Privacy Policy.

The Company cannot disclose to third parties or use personal data obtained about the Data
Subject in violation of this Privacy Policy and the Law on the Protection of Personal Data for
purposes other than processing. In the event that links to other applications are provided on the Platform, the Company does not assume any responsibility for the privacy policies and contents of these applications.


What are Cookies and Why are They Used?

Cookies are small text files stored by the websites you visit on your browser or on your device through the network server. For more detailed information about cookies, you can visit and Cookies are used on our Website for the following main purposes:

  • Improving the functionality and performance of the website to enhance the services offered to you,
  • Improving the website and offering new features through the website and personalizing the offered features according to your preferences;
  • Ensuring the legal and commercial security of you and our company.
    If you do not prefer the use of cookies, you can delete or block cookies from your browser settings. However, we would like to remind you that this may affect your use of the Platform.

Changes in the Privacy Policy

The Company may change the provisions of this Privacy Policy at any time. The current Privacy
Policy will be effective as of the date it is presented to the Data Subject in any way.

Note: This is a generic translation for informational purposes. For legal purposes, it is advisable to consult with a professional translator or legal expert for accurate interpretation.